Monday 8 October 2012

Back to crochet....

The circle of makers is back! 

A wee gathering of us finally managed to meet after major transport issues, armed with hooks and wool. 

I was demonstrating by trying to crochet right handed, more difficult than I imagined. It's amazing how easy it is to forget what it's like to learn something from the very beginning. Nothing like trying to use the 'other' hand and figure it all out from scratch; anti-clockwise.

So, to the astonishment of those who have never crocheted before, completed flowers were made from scratch and I was very impressed with how quickly they were all created. 

Someone even invented their own crochet stitch! But that's all part of the process and we had time in between many cups of tea and cookies to make two flowers each. 

I'm sure the flower creations will soon be adorning coats and bags, and if anyone asks -  'yes, I made that'. 

Now the trick is to remember that pattern...

Check out the facebook page for updates on more workshops through autumn.  

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