Monday 10 September 2012

A sheep of one's own

I have a dream of owning a sheep. Yes, a real living sheep, not one that is needle felted. I know that this is a bit of a crazy dream as I live in London and when I mention it to friends, I think they picture a rampaging woolly animal in a small city garden, or on a leash on the train to work (though I’m sure there are other kinds of rampaging woolly animals on the tube be times)

My artist friend Liz has her own flock in Wales, so my new ewe, when I purchase her will hopefully live there, and I can visit, perhaps on the way to Ireland. 

This harebrained idea comes from a desire to know where my materials come from and to start having my own raw material fleece that I can use to felt, spin and eventually turn it into something wearable. Not by killing the sheep though. ☺

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